Guess what... I'm getting a port! My veins have officially given out....They are TERRIBLE! They keep giving out, so that port will be very nice! What they have to do is surgically put it in. It will be a little bump under my skin and that is where they will poke to get IVs in, blood draws, everything. It will be so nice! I will receive it on September the 7th. need to DONATE, DONATE, DONATE blood. You never know, it could be helping me or some of my friends at PCH. Thank you to whoever donates... It means the world!
I will continue my IVIG treatments and regular clinic visits.
Well school has started, and can I jut say that it's been a rough start. I have already missed about a week and its only been two weeks since I've started. It's been very stressful, but I try my hardest to be there as much as possible. My parents have been very supportive. We have tried to arrange a plan for me so that I can have a good year. One of the options was to just do my core classes and only half day. I wouldn't have to do my electives or P.E. I am totally open to this, and hopefully it could make my year a little less stressful.
I have taken the unexpected roads, and I will continue to move on. All I can do is keep a positive attitude and just Keep on Climbing!
By the way...Everyone go check out my site...just click on website name and type in mckindreepatton just like I